Tony Grebmeier – Entrepreneur


What I like About This Ad Body Copy: For me, this ad copy was pretty good. It seems that the goal of this ad was to increase engagement and I think that it really worked. The copy helps strengthen and convey Tony’s authority in the field to his audience, while still pushing a theme of […]

Brian Johnson – Education


What I like About This Ad Body Copy: Good ad copy doesn’t have to be long. Here is a good example of short copy that provides a lot of information regarding the value the product is offering. In the first line, it’s clear what the product is and the value it provides. It addresses the […]

Terri Levine – Join the Facebook group

What I Like About This Ad Ad Copy: So this ad to get people to join the coach’s Facebook group. It immediately grabs the readers’ attention with the “Stop being Wal-Mart!”. This is not one of those ads that provide value in the ad but it addresses an issue (in this case pricing yourself too […]